1st Sat in month
Introduction to Blacksmithing
Pre-registration Required - Maximum of 5 per class
8:30AM to 1PM
See Intro Class button for more information
2nd Sat in month
Open Forge ( First Come First Serve ) officially 9am to 1pm
These are days to work on Basic One or your own projects.
$30 for each student to cover fuel and equipment costs.
9:00AM to 1PM
3rd Sat in month
Shop will not be open for class.
4th Sat in month ( First Come First Serve ) officially 9am to 1pm
Work Party Day and Open Forge
This is the day we clean up around the shop or get some help with maintenance.
Usually only the first hour is spent working around the shop. The remainder of the time is Open Forge time.
$30 for each student to cover fuel and equipment costs.
9AM to 1PM
5th Sat would be Dark or Closed
Shop is open three Saturdays a month.
9am to 1pm
We have limited space in the shop.
For safety reasons we must limit class size,
first come first serve
For safety reasons, 13 years of age is our youngest age allowed to work in the shop.
Youth taking class must have an adult on site during class.
Our power tools, grinders, sanders, propane forge, are only available to those that have completed Basic One.
OC Blacksmith and Museum membership are required to work in the shop